I have recently started diving into Apache Spark for a project at work and ran into issues trying to process the contents of a collection of files in parallel, particularly when the files are stored on Amazon S3. In this post I describe my problem and how I got around it.

My first Spark project is simple. I have a single function that processes data from a file and a lot of data files to process using this function. It should be trivial to distribute this task, right? Just create an RDD (Spark's core data container, basically a distributed collection whose items can be operated on in parallel) where each item contains the contents of a single file and apply my function using the RDD methods foreach or map if I want to capture results for logging or something.

Most examples I found for pyspark create RDDs using the SparkContext.textFile() method. This generates an RDD where each line of the file is an item in the collection. This is not what I want. Looking through the API docs I found the method SparkContext.wholeTextFiles() that appears to do exactly what I want. I can point this method to a directory and it will create an RDD where each item contains data from an entire file. Perfect! Well, it would be if it worked anyway.

Here's the issue... our data files are stored on Amazon S3, and for whatever reason this method fails when reading data from S3 (using Spark v1.2.0). I'm using pyspark but I've read in forums that people are having the same issue with the Scala library, so it's not just a Python issue. Anyway, here's how I got around this problem.

First, I create a listing of files in a root directory and store the listing in a text file in a scratch bucket on S3. Here is a code snippet (I'm using boto to interact with S3):

conn = boto.connect_s3()
# bucket is the name of the S3 bucket where your data resides
b = conn.get_bucket(bucket)  
# inkey_root is the S3 'directory' in which your files are located
keys = b.list(prefix=inkey_root)

key_list = [key.name for key in keys]


Next I need a function that takes a file path, parses the data from the file into a string, and returns a tuple with the file name and contents (as a string). Here is just such a function:

def fetch_data(s3key):
    Fetch data with the given s3 key and pass along the contents as a string.

    :param s3key: An s3 key path string.
    :return: A tuple (file_name, data) where data is the contents of the 
        file in a string. Note that if the file is compressed the string will 
        contain the compressed data which will have to be unzipped using the 
        gzip package.
    conn = boto.connect_s3()
    b = conn.get_bucket(bucket)
    k = b.get_key(s3key)
    data = k.get_contents_as_string()

    # I use basename() to get just the file name itself
    return os.path.basename(s3key), data

Then I create an RDD using parallelize on the listing of files to process. The RDD items will be the paths (ok fine, keys) of the files that I want to process in S3. Then I call the RDD's map method, using fetch_data to parse the files and pass their contents along as a new RDD with the file contents as items, just like I wanted from wholeTextFiles in the first place. Then you can go ahead and process the resulting data as necessary, e.g. by chaining a call to another map, foreach or whatever. Here's the code, with a chained call to foreach to process the data using a function process_data.

sc = pyspark.SparkContext('local', 'Whatever')
# Create an RDD from the list of s3 key names to process stored in key_list
file_list = sc.parallelize(key_list)

So there you have it, a simple way to get around the fact that Spark's wholeTextFiles (as of now) does not work with files stored in S3.


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