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The concept of closures is something that I've been familiar with for a while, but I haven't used in my own work until recently. I started thinking more about closures while reading A Software Engineer Learns HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery by Dane Cameron (an excellent book, btw). They are introduced in the book as a way to protect object members. In JS, like in Python, members of an object are public. In the absence of a private keyword or the like, one can use closures to protect state variables from tampering by external code. Here's an example:

function incrementer() {
    var i=0;
    return function() {return ++i;}

f = incrementer()
f() -> 1
f() -> 2
f() -> 3

What has happened here is that the function returned by incrementer has "closed" over i. i is declared in the scope of incrementer but is accessible within function. Since function refers to i, the variable gets carried around by function even after incrementer has returned.

The utility of this pattern is that i can be modifed (incremented) by calling f, the function returned by incrementer, but it can't be accessed directly in any other way.

I hadn't seen closures mentioned often in Python circles, at least not in scientific and data analysis contexts. But as I learned about closures in JS I couldn't help but wonder how they operate in Python, my language of choice. So does this same code pattern work in Python?

def incrementer():
    i = 0
    def function():
        i += 1
        return i
    return function

>> f = incrementer()

>> f()

UnboundLocalError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-0ec059b9bfe1> in <module>()
----> 1 f()

<ipython-input-5-fe458f37d60a> in function()
      2     i = 0
      3     def function():
----> 4         i += 1
      5         return i
      6     return function

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment

Nope. We get an UnboundLocalError. What if we just refer to i rather than try to increment it's value?

def incrementer():
    i = 120
    def function():
        return i
    return function

>> f = incrementer()

>> f()


That works fine. Well, incrementer no longer increments anything, but at least the code executes without error. So what happened here? In Python, you can access a variable from a parent scope, but you can't overwrite it. Assignment in Python is done within the local scope, even if a variable with the same name is declared in a parent scope. The parent variable is not overridden, but instead a new variable is created in the nested scope. Take the following code for example:

def incrementer():
    i = 120
    def function():
        i = 10
        return i
    return function

>> f = incrementer()
>> f()

The i declared in function is local to the nested function and "shadows" the i declared in incrementer.

Although we can't overwrite a variable in a parent scope, we can modify its contents if the object is a mutable type like a list or an object. So to replicate the JS style closure in Python, one could close over a mutable object, e.g.

def get_incrementer():
    i = [0]
    def function():
        i[0] += 1
        return i[0]
    return function

>> f = get_incrementer()
>> f()
>> f()
>> f()

Let's say that instead of using the pattern given above, we defined incrementer to be a method of a class and used it to increment a normal class attribute.

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._i = 0
    def incrementer(self):
        self._i += 1
        return self._i

>> test = MyClass()
>> test.incrementer() 
>> test.incrementer()
>> test._i = 100
>> test.incrementer()

This works, but of course one can always just modify test._i, so subsequent calls to incrementer might not always behave as expected.

So closures can be used to protect a variable. I don't think I've come across anyone that does this in practice, and I've seen some discussion that it might not be a good idea, but I don't really understand why.

A much more common use case for closures in Python, and one that I now make use of myself, is function decoration. Function decorators are a powerful concept that allow you to modify a function's behavior without changing its implementation.

For example, let's say you're writing an application and decide you want to log every call to a set of functions. You could implement your functions to have logging statements sprinkled throughout, mixing logging code together with the rest of your code. But this makes for code that is hard to read and maintain.

Instead, you can use a function decorator to handle the logging for you keeping the logging features separate from your application code. This is called separation of concerns and is central to a programming paradigm known as aspect oriented programming.

Let's write a logging decorator that logs the name of the function call, the arguments passed to the function, and the return value.

def log_me(func):
    def function_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        print 'Calling function {:}'.format(func.func_name)
        args_list = ' '.join([str(a) for a in args])
        print 'Positional arguments: {:}'.format(args_list)
        print 'Keyword arguments: {:}'.format(kwargs)

        # Call the original function
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)

        print 'Return: {:}'.format(result)
    return function_wrapper

log_me takes a function as an argument and returns a function (a decorator must return a function). The function that we return, defined within the scope of log_me is called function_wrapper and it closes over the argument func. function_wrapper takes in a set of arguments, logs them, calls the decorated function func, and finally logs the result.

A side note I know I'm not really "logging" here, per se, but just printing to standard output. In principle one should use the logging module or something similar.

To use log_me we can use the Python decorator syntax (which you're familiar with if you've used e.g. flask or many other popular Python packages that use decorators):

def adder(a, b, **kwargs):
    return a + b

def multiplier(a, b, **kwargs):
    return a * b

Here I've defined two simple functions and decorated them with log_me. Equivalently I could have just done:

def multiplier(a, b, **kwargs):
    return a * b
multiplier = log_me(multiplier)

Anyway, the result is that when I call either of these two functions, their inputs and outputs get logged.

>> adder(1,2, another='argument')
Calling function adder
Positional arguments: 1 2
Keyword arguments: {'another': 'argument'}
Return: 3

>> multiplier(3, 4, another='argument')
Calling function multiplier
Positional arguments: 1 2
Keyword arguments: {'another': 'argument'}
Return: 12

This is really cool. We have now separated the logging code entirely from the rest of our code, making everything easier to read and maintain. It's also super easy to start logging new functions. Just add the log_me decorator! And all of this is made possible by closures.


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